Wednesday, December 21, 2016

BBC Writer Declares Stars Lie

Promoting the hoax that starlight that becomes visible today may be from a an old star that has passed away in contradiction to Robert Archer Smith's discovery that light is not emissive, hence there is no such thing as old light!

Please click here for link:

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Robert Archer Smith: Principle of Exigency

Here is the letter from Bob: 3/30/89
"Everything is brought to a point. There can be no leeway in time or space. There is just no consortium of finitude with infinitude. There is no bridge, no commuting. Indeed there is no verge at all. And due to the immutable finitude of man, the reasoner, the observer, the philosopher, infinitude remains forever beyond the pale. Relative to infinity, that is to say, everything finite has the dimensions of Euclid's point (p. 7 Epistola 3.30.89)."

Interpretation: We meet the universe today. The sun reaches down from the sky to meet this leaf. This leaf is indeed this leaf thanks to an encounter between the leaf coming into light and my eye. The common go between is light. Light lighting the world and light lighting my mind via my sensing these beautiful, manifold things that today brings! 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Robert Smith's Unified Field Physics

The virtual reality gurus are looking for a new model for universal space. The computer as it is today is Cro-Magnon. They err who say that the digital nervous system is thinking at the speed of light. Thinking occurs in brain which is organic and analog. Virtual is all you'll ever get out of the digital architecture the way it is set up today.

Virtual golf is fun for kids and non-golfers, but come on now! Who is kidding who? It is like kissing your girlfriend or wife versus online pornography. Are they substitutable? Give me a break.
The reaon that the computer and atificial intelligence is a bummer is precisely that it is artificial and is going to stay that way as long as the contemporary physics model (e=mc2) is employed.

Cosmos Today presents a new physics for any who are bold enough to entertain that there might actually be a true physics available for free to anyone with open minded enough to think honestly and openly about it!

The physics of Cosmos Today revealed to Robert Archer Smith is verifiable today without expensive gadgetry or particle accelerators or Jesuit observatories.

'Verimetry' is another word coined by Bob (Robt. Archer Smith) and refers to measurement of the truth. He takes up where Descartes' left off the pressure model of light and has no need of gravitational theory nor Einstein. 

The Truth about Light

Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Nature of Light (from Cosmos Today 9-28-92:5.6)

What astronomers see with their telescopes, as with their unaided eyes, is an ostensible image, meaning that it is a picture of what appears to be viewed. The image is actually subject to alteration by the optical treatments of the rays that produce the image. This subject matter will be introduced with the following aside: Among quantum physicists a growing number are relishing ["relinquishing"? (ed.)] the role of the observer in the phyics observed. So here is a rule they'll like. It is that there are no unintercepted lightlines extending indeterminately into empty space. That possibility in the quantum principle continued to pique Einstein, who objected that the universe could not be emitting itself into infinity. In the isodynamical model, every lightline is a conjunction of points locating particles of matter. The observer's particle is peripheral to a distant particle that he perceives as luminous. The conjunction is a line of T-force (tee-bar) directed as a force vector from the peripheral point toward the ostensible point as into a force sink. For astronomers, that rule completely eliminates the idea of old light and new. In short, no one intercepts light that has been speeding through space from a previous epoch or instant. The rectilinear conjunction of the observer with points observed is instant.